Maison Pickle

I’m so excited to talk about this place. Any restaurant with pickle in the name has to be a good time. Yesterday was the beginning of many summer night dinners, where we headed to Maison Pickle in the Upper East Side of Manhattan.


Maison Pickle is famously known for their French dips and cocktails so of course we had to indulge. I ordered a Maison Punch (I can’t recommend to light weights, that baby was skronggg) and my cousin ordered the Razzle which our waiter described as a spiked lemonade. I personally love a good strong drink so I greatly enjoyed my Maison Punch. The Razzle was less of a punch but a delicious refreshing drink that was perfect for a humid summer night.

masion punch & the razzle

masion punch & the razzle

Now let’s get into this menu! We would’ve have over ordered if our amazing and fabulous waiter (HI CORBIN!) didn’t guide us so honestly and smoothly. He was honest about what dishes were worth it and what we could risk skipping out on for our first trip to Maison Pickle. For our appetizers – or as they call it, Nosh & Noms – we ordered pull apart feta herb & oil bread (which they make every day in house) d’olived eggs, shrimp pillow dumplings.

pull apart feta herb & oil bread

pull apart feta herb & oil bread

d’olived eggs

d’olived eggs

shrimp pillow dumplings

shrimp pillow dumplings

First off I need a moment of silence for the shrimp dumplings…………………whoever made this masterpiece needs a noble peace prize. I already knew I’d come back based on this dish alone. The butter sauce that the dumplings were sitting in was heaaaavennnnn. That brings me to the bread. This bread was made with love and it was still nice and warm when it got to the table. Ok not to make everything about the dumplings but we started dipping the bread into the butter sauce and all I have to say about that is…yes. Yes to all of it. I personally don’t really like deviled eggs so I didn’t try them especially since I didn’t peep any paprika on them sooooo that’s that on that. BUT THE DUMPLINGS THOUGH.


Now onto the entrees! We ordered the deluxe French Dip, buffalo chicken mac and cheese with a blue cheese drizzle, three cheese creamed spinach, and chicken & eggplant parmigiana. To be honest, looking back we od’ on the cheese and we probably should’ve ordered a salad to counter all that heaviness but OH WELL.

deluxe french dip w/ au jus

deluxe french dip w/ au jus

buffalo chicken mac & cheese

buffalo chicken mac & cheese

three cheese creamed spinach

three cheese creamed spinach

chicken & eggplant parmigiana

chicken & eggplant parmigiana

First let’s talk about the famous French dip. I enjoyed it, granted it was alottt on a sandwich. All the flavors complimented each other and I can see why Maison Pickle is known for it. Next was my personal favorite which is the buffalo chicken mac. Interestingly they use ziti instead of elbow pasta but I think it works. Sometimes with buffalo cheese macs it’s easy for it to taste super fake and gimmicky but you can tell a lot of thought was put into the making of it. The creamed spinach wasn’t super special but what we did enjoy about it was the fact that we can tell that they used fresh spinach. But good creamed spinach is good creamed spinach just nothing to shake my ass about. And last was the chicken and eggplant parmigiana, which also wasn’t that special. I love Italian food so naturally I enjoyed it but we could’ve replaced it with a salad.

Last but certainly not least, for dessert we indulged in a 24 layer chocolate cake (yes we counted every layer). Just look at it.

I meannnnn I think I’m sexually attracted to this cake, not gonna lie. You can’t mess up chocolate cake.

All in all I would definitely come back here. Through the food I can tell the chefs care about what they’re sending to the tables and the amazing costumer service was an amazing representation of that! Another shoutout to our amazing waiter Corbin, he definitely elevated our experience. Please check it out for yourself!

Katrina: 4.7 | Stephanie: 4.0 | Valerie: 4.5





Caló Kitchen + Tequila (LA)