While We Were Young


Alexa, play While We Were Young by Adele.

I’m back with another great review! This restaurant has been on our list for a very long time so I’m very excited to write about it. I waited up until midnight to make a reservation to make sure to secure my spot at While We Were Young in the Village. You can do walk ins here but it’s highly recommended that you make a reservation due to the fact that it’s a very small location. Lack of seating makes it hard for the restaurant to take in strays. Now that that is covered let’s get into the good shit!

WWWY is known for their beautiful and unique cocktails and since it was brunch you know I was all for it! The drink names such as “Uh-huh Honey” “Talk Dirty to Me” & “The Morning After” are such a fun conversation starter and are super unique. The drinks don’t just stop there – the presentation is something to be in awe in of. This was one of my favorite aspects because of how thoughtful and delicate they looked. We ordered “If You’re a Bird I’m a Bird” “One Night Stand” “Pillow Talk” & a new cocktail “Falling for You”.


My favorite presentation was the “If You’re a Bird I’m a Bird”. It was so pretty and delicate looking and the cocktail name was really brought to life through the drink itself.

if you’re a bird i’m a bird

if you’re a bird i’m a bird

it’s me!

it’s me!

falling for you

falling for you

Now let’s move on to the food! As always I’ll start off with the appetizers. We ordered one of each which were burrata, roasted squash, prawns & brussel sprouts.

Now what I’m about say is something that I never thought would escape my lips but…this place…has made me a believer…in brussel sprouts…


I know. I’m shocked too but they were so delicious. I didn’t know that brussel sprouts could be so. fucking. good. While I enjoyed all the other dishes, this is the one that stuck with me. The prawns were paired with a crunchy rice cake which outshined them. Sorry not sorry. The burrata was paired with a poached pear and that combination was something that I would have never even thought of putting together. It worked and I’m shocked at how much sense it made in my mouth.

squash, burrata & brussel sprouts

squash, burrata & brussel sprouts

prawns & burrata

prawns & burrata


Now it’s time to talk entrees. We ordered 5 entrees to share: chicken & waffles, toffee french toast, avocado toast, chicken dumplings and a kale salad.

The kale salad, which was a perfect myriad of Asian flavors, was also a favorite among the group. The chicken dumplings were also delicious but the star was the sauce that they were sitting in. The avocado toast was what you expect out of an avocado toast but delicious nonetheless. I enjoyed the kale waffle over the actual chicken in the chicken & waffles. The chicken just needed a little more flavor to completely elevate the dish.

To be honest, I rushed through those dishes so I can talk about my favorite dish over all. The Toffee French Toast. Bitch. BITCH. Although it felt more like a dessert than an entree I was in heaven with every bite. I never expected a date cake be so rich and full of flavor. Paired with a corn gelato and caramel sauce, this dish was the unanimous winner of the day. To my understanding WWWY has a rotating menu and I’m ready to boycott when they decide to take this out of rotation. For your sake and mostly for mine. You might just see me outside on W 10th St like this:

this is me boycotting

this is me boycotting

Overall it was a cute and enjoyable brunch experience. The only downside for me was how small the space was so it was a bit of a tight squeeze for the group. Definitely do not go with more than four to five people and make a reservation!!

This is a must so go check it out While We Were Young for yourselves!


Katrina: 4.5|Steph: 4.0 |Val: 4.5 |Sara: 4.5|Allegra: 4.0



Louie Louie (Philly)


Pasticceria Rocco