Zaca Cafe

*SIGH* I’m tired. These past few months have been EXHAUSTING. I have been trying to figure out different ways to do something. One of those is sharing different black owned restaurants every week that you can order from (so Covid friendly). I’m really excited because I’ve been missing writing up reviews for food (that hasn’t stopped me from eating though).

This first restaurant in Zaca Cafe in Bed-Stuy which is an American & French fusion cafe. They serve breakfast/lunch/dinner and also sell pastries (hence cafe). The owner and chef of Zaca is Inoussa Campaore who has a strong background in French cuisine.

I ordered a salmon burger, the Zaca beef burger, steamed broccoli with garlic oil, sautéed brussel sprouts and grilled hanger steak with parmesan asparagus & slow cooked mashed potatoes. No, I didn’t eat all of this by myself - although I’m very capable of doing so.

steak, asparagus, brussel sprouts, mashed

steak, asparagus, brussel sprouts, mashed

First off the food came still warm so I was very excited about that. The Zaca burger is what you would expect from a bacon burger. Nothing earth shattering but still very yummy because who doesn’t love bacon. The salmon burger so so good. It was decadent and so well seasoned. Both burgers were topped with a brioche bun and we all know that elevates a burger. We already know that I stan brussel sprouts now so let’s just move on. These mashed potatoes were so good. I don’t know if it’s because it’s slow cooked because I’m sure what that means but it works. It’s soft pillowy and just straight up bomb! Obviously you can go wrong with the parmesan & asparagus combo so that was yum. I have a hard time finding places that can nail hanger steak because it’s very easy to over cook it. I was afraid that since it was going to be delivered paired with the former that it wouldn’t be so great. I was very wrong and very happy about it. My plastic knife cut through the steak like butter and it was so delicious.

I hope that some time in the near future I will be able to experience Zaca Cafe in person. Check them out for yourself  . A reminder to support Black businesses and uplift the Black community during this time. #BLACKLIVESMATTER



Greedi Vegan


Louie Louie (Philly)